Tuesday, April 15, 2008

what i did last week

last week

i start my worksheet ,but didn't finish. I didn't really set any real goals last week. I working on gather information that is need for the project.
Goals for next two weeks

first week

1. finish my worksheet
2. ask about three boys and girl about how they feel about sex.
3. start a layout of how my powerpoint should look.

second week
1. send out my workshet to about six people
2. ask three parent about how the feel about sex
3. a least do about five powerpoints
4. gather some pictures and some research that i had from before.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

The sex and acceleration project is based on sex in the church and school. How sex affect students, parents, peers and teachers. The video will address the rise of sex in the church and the school. It explore how teenage feel on this issue. How religion have affect on issue of sex.
Today the department of education is starting to educate young child about sex at a young age. Many feel that these lessons will stop a high rate in teen pregnancy today. I believe that my project will discuss how sex affects people in different ways. The video will address how sex everything at that young age. How the STI and STD change the way live. I will explore HIV, AIDS and how it is still rising in urban community.
Churches today tell their follower that you should wait for marries to have sex. Do these same people practice what they preach? Maybe the pastor, but not many of there followers. When I do video stop some rumor that all church girls are freak. I will open a world that some is safe. I will explore if most of these male and female follower stay virgin until they marry.
This project hit close to home. I decide that project open eyes of people that do go to church and who never even enter. The project educate us about be abstain from sex and how it is important to do the right thing. I think video should show in health class and able in church event for teen. That way teens that are facing the same issue. They are able to make a change. They will have my video for support.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I decide to change my project and work with someone on it. This project will address this project will be based on sex in the church and in the school. I speak to parent, teacher , friends student in school , people of school and the people in church.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

on my project

I want to do a video based on small high school and the effect of them on students, teachers and parents. I will explore Brooklyn prep and how this school is different from others. The video will show the effect of a small school on the community. How the learning process is different from a big high school and commitment that comes with a small high school

Wednesday, February 13, 2008